Mission and Values | Adult & Career Technical Education
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Mission and Values

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Empower individuals to find the best jobs in town through enhanced education and training.


Empower Miami-Dade County residents to become self sufficient and productive citizens by assisting them to develop literacy and job related skills, qualify for better opportunities in the job market, and obtain stable and sustainable employment.

Core Values

Core values are at the heart of our division’s culture and guide our behavior each and every day. They inspire us, motivate us, and drive us to ensure our customers’ success.

We are a team that delivers for our community by living these Values:
Commitment We build trust by honoring our commitments. We are accountable for our actions, successes and failures.
Teamwork We communicate actively and openly up, down, and across our division. We show respect for each other and value diversity.
Integrity We are honest in all interactions. We earn our reputation by adhering to the highest ethical standards and conduct.
Innovation We are constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve. We embrace change as an opportunity.
Explore and create improvements  We support new ideas and take appropriate risks. We take action to find and correct problems.
Focus on services that create value We create best practices by learning from past decisions and actions, good or bad, to improve our services.

Workforce Development Resources