Clery Act Disclosure Security Policy | Adult & Career Technical Education
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Clery Act Disclosure Security Policy

Clery Act Crime Statistics

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Section 485(f) of the HEA, Title 34 C.F.R 668) is a federal statute required of all Title IV eligible schools.  Reportable crimes, as defined by the Act, are presented in the hyperlinks below. Information about other crimes committed on campus is available, upon request, from the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department (M-DSPD). The annual disclosure of campus crime statistics is prepared by the M-DSPD in conjunction with School Operations, Adult Education and Technical Colleges, and is disseminated to all Miami-Dade County Public Schools Technical Colleges.  Each technical college reviews all violations of law reported and works with Miami-Dade County Schools Police Department (M-DSPD) in the reporting, investigation and prevention of violations of the law which may occur on technical college property.

Annual Security Report (ASR)

The Annual Security Report (ASR) outlines the Miami-Dade County Schools Police Department’s authority for responding to emergencies, evacuations, and their policies for crime reporting, which includes sexual assaults/offenses, substance abuse, hate crimes, and missing persons. In addition, the ASR contains information about offered crime prevention activities/events, counseling and treatment services, and the accessibility of the campus facilities. This publication is pursuant to the recently updated Jeanne Clery Disclosure, the Campus Security Policy, and the Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”).  The Clery Act is formally known as the Federal Student Right-to Know Act, the Campus Security Act of 1990, and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). Further information and a hard copy of this report can be secured from the Financial Aid Officer at the technical college.